
You've lost touch with your authentic self because of unresolved hurt


Your relationships lack intimacy and deep connection because of fear and resentment


Your anxiety is all-consuming and you are easily triggered so you avoid and isolate


Lastly, you're unsure how to move past your trauma but realize it's governing your life


is this you?

What labels are placing limits on who God has called you to be?

believe me, i've been there

God put She'll Rise on my heart and it is from my very own journey of triumph, my own struggles with anxiety, depression and trauma and being postured for obedience that this organization was founded.

I needed to do the hard work in my life to end the cycle of running and hiding so God could use me and what He did in my life to reach those women suffering in darkness alone.

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you are not alone, friend...

after this program, you are going to feel lighter, changed, and renewed!

Our 12-week program is designed for the woman who is struggling but desires freedom. It is structured and personalized to meet her needs and guide her through a combination of talk therapy, goal-driven therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Everyone's story is uniquely theirs.

Our pasts and what we have experienced may have similarities, but no one can completely understand your perspective. I will be your trusted partner to help you work through the deeply-rooted trauma and begin the process of releasing, unlearning, and letting go. This is how we create the space necessary to relearn and become equipped with the tools to effectively manage our anxiety, depression, and trauma.

You were never meant to carry this burden alone, nor is this the end of your story. There is freedom, joy, and an abundance of blessings waiting for you on the other side of your current circumstances.

Rise Up 12-Week Coaching


You can do this, and I will be with you every step of the way.

ready to take up your space unapologetically?

You'll become

Grounded in His truth and free from strongholds


Confident to use your voice and no longer focused on
people pleasing


Able to live authentically and feel fulfilled


Empowered to courageously communicate your needs, wants, and boundaries


The woman that God created you to be because you are Fearfully + Wonderfully made. {Psalm 139:14}



For 12 weeks of calls, you will feel seen, heard, and valued during your growth journey. This coaching program is unlike any others and I'm blessed to be able to share this with you. Transformation is only 12 calls away! 


lets do it!


Gain seamless access to Melanie's expertise and support through email, Monday to Friday. With this convenient communication channel at your fingertips, you can confidently reach out to Melanie for guidance, inquiries, and assistance. Whether you have burning questions, need clarification, or seek personalized advice, Melanie is just an email away, ready to provide timely responses and valuable insights. 


lets do it!


This vibrant and supportive network is a haven for like-minded individuals, offering a wealth of opportunities for personal growth. As a member, you'll gain access to a treasure trove of knowledge, resources, and connections that will enrich your life and elevate your aspirations. With lifetime access, you can embark on a continuous journey of learning, inspiration, and camaraderie, fostering lifelong friendships and opening doors to unforeseen opportunities.


lets do it!


Who doesn't love presents and goodies? When you join my coaching program, you will be gifted divine gifts and resources to help you along your journey. 

I'm blessed you're starting this transformational journey for yourself, it's time you get celebrated for it!


lets do it!

what comes with this offer

I came to Melanie a small, broken version of myself.

After the 12 week program...putting in the hard work, challenging myself and being open to possibilities, I am a full and confident me, completely aware that I have been fearfully and wonderfully created with purpose and for purpose.

Melanie has supplied me with tools that I can use to conquer my anxiety, has helped me to define my values, and most importantly has shown me how to come into alignment with those values.

- T. Wood

The changes I saw in such a short amount of time were mind blowing! All thanks to Lorelei!

- client testimonial

Every week, my clients are required to give themselves time to reflect and capture their responses on their check in form. These are crucial for accountability, tracking progress and staying committed to the process because the process works!

As I read through one of my client's breakthroughs, I was in awe of what she was able to do for herself. Sheโ€™s done incredibly deep work to get to this point and being able to recognize the power of the transformation taking place is magical. 

  • Sheโ€™s no longer treading, but instead finding rest. 

  • Sheโ€™s no longer reacting and self sabotaging, but responding with grace and self love. 

  • Sheโ€™s no longer satisfied with existing, but instead embracing her life with gratitude, hope and in alignment with who God days she is. 

Is this for you?

What would your life look and feel like if you were experiencing breakthroughs like this?

Real talk:

Our 12 week 1:1 Intensive Coaching Program is an ideal place for you to begin your very own journey of healing, overcoming, RisingUp and becoming who youโ€™re called to be: whole + healing

If you desire freedom like this client, you want to break free and flourishโ€ฆ it is time to invest in you.

I want this for you, too!


Who God has called you to be





The โ€œ๐ฒ๐ž๐ฌโ€ can be crazy scary because oftentimes in order to say โ€œ๐ฒ๐ž๐ฌโ€ we inadvertently must also say โ€œ๐ง๐จโ€ to other things. 

Letโ€™s say "๐˜๐„๐’!" to:

SO, I ASK you-


Are you ready to say "Yes"?

Discovering how to live a beautiful life with anxiety, depression and trauma 

Unleashing your potential to chase big dreams

Building a mindset rooted in truth and abundance to keep showing up

Putting boundaries in place 

Learning to release the guilt + shame that keeps you from loving yourself and others well


Building your self-confidence

Establishing self-trust




sign me up